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Drakkle - social network descripci贸n

Drakkle is a social network for you to find out what's happening

Know what's trending
Find out what topics are trending right now. Sports, music, celebrities... Drakkle is the right social network to be your source of information

Follow your friends and celebrities
Keep track of what your friends and celebrities are doing and find other people who like the same interests as you

Explore new content
We have a special section for you to discover new content, created especially for you, based on what you like

Interact with other people
Like, reply or repost what other people post

Share what you are doing
Let your followers know what you're up to! Share text, images, links or create a poll

Communicate in few characters
Share everything in short messages of up to 300 characters

Create threads
Threads allow you to make a sequence of interconnected posts. With them you can share stories or information that needs a lot of detail

Keep your profile private
You can make your profile private so that only the followers you approve will be able to see the content you post

Download Drakkle and give us a chance to be your favorite social network 馃挏
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